Publications 2010

  1. Synchronization versus decoherence of neutrino oscillations at intermediate densities Raffelt, G. G., Tamborra, I., - DOI - ArXiv
  2. On the dynamics of planetesimals embedded in turbulent protoplanetary discs Nelson, R. P., Gressel, O., - DOI - ArXiv
  3. Momentum space metric, nonlocal operator, and topological insulators Matsuura, S., Ryu, S., - DOI - ArXiv
  4. Topological characterization of periodically driven quantum systems Kitagawa, T., Berg, E., Rudner, M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  5. Parametric Tension Between Even and Odd Multipole Data of the WMAP Power Spectrum: Unaccounted Contamination or Missing Parameters? Kim, J., Naselsky, P., - DOI - ArXiv
  6. Finite-size effects on the radiative energy loss of a fast parton in hot and dense strongly interacting matter Caron-Huot, S., Gale, C., - DOI - ArXiv
  7. Interlaced Dynamical Decoupling and Coherent Operation of a Singlet-Triplet Qubit Barthel, C., Medford, J., Marcus, C. M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  8. On theories of enhanced CP violation in B $_{ s,d }$ meson mixing Trott, M., Wise, M. B., - DOI - ArXiv
  9. Hydrodynamic long-time tails from Anti de Sitter space Caron-Huot, S., Saremi, O., - DOI - ArXiv
  10. Comment on ``Normal Phase of an Imbalanced Fermi Gas'' Yu, Z., Zöllner, S., Pethick, C. J. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  11. Phase transitions in dissipative quantum transport and mesoscopic nuclear spin pumping Rudner, M. S., Levitov, L. S., - DOI - ArXiv
  12. Simulation of Relativistic Shocks and Associated Self-consistent Radiation Nishikawa, K.-I., Niemiec, J., Medvedev, M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  13. Systematic effects in the extraction of the `WMAP haze' Mertsch, P., Sarkar, S., - DOI - ArXiv
  14. Constraints on Neutron Star Radii Based on Chiral Effective Field Theory Interactions Hebeler, K., Lattimer, J. M., Pethick, C. J. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  15. Cosmology Favoring Extra Radiation and Sub-eV Mass Sterile Neutrinos as an Option Hamann, J., Hannestad, S., Raffelt, G. G. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  16. Radiation Spectral Synthesis of Relativistic Filamentation Frederiksen, J. T., Haugbølle, T., Medvedev, M. V. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  17. Planck pre-launch status: The Planck mission Tauber, J. A., M, olesi, N. et al. - DOI
  18. Exploring topological phases with quantum walks Kitagawa, T., Rudner, M. S., Berg, E. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  19. Anomalous parity asymmetry of WMAP 7-year power spectrum data at low multipoles: Is it cosmological or systematics? Kim, J., Naselsky, P., - DOI - ArXiv
  20. E/B decomposition of CMB polarization pattern of incomplete sky: a pixel space approach Kim, J., Naselsky, P., - DOI - ArXiv
  21. Searching for dark matter in X-rays: how to check the dark matter origin of a spectral feature Boyarsky, A., Ruchayskiy, O., Iakubovskyi, D. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  22. The uncertainty principle in the presence of quantum memory Berta, M., Christ, l, M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  23. Solitary waves of Bose-Einstein-condensed atoms confined in finite rings Smyrnakis, J., Magiropoulos, M., Kavoulakis, G. M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  24. MRI channel flows in vertically stratified models of accretion discs Latter, H. N., Fromang, S., Gressel, O. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  25. Coherent spin manipulation in an exchange-only qubit Laird, E. A., Taylor, J. M., Divincenzo, D. P. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  26. Prospects and constraints for vector-like MFV matter at LHC Arnold, J. M., Fornal, B., Trott, M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  27. Using cosmic neutrinos to search for nonperturbative physics at the Pierre Auger Observatory Anchordoqui, L. A., Goldberg, H., Góra, D. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  28. Phase-sensitive probes of nuclear polarization in spin-blockaded transport Rudner, M. S., Neder, I., Levitov, L. S. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  29. Dynamical cooling of nuclear spins in double quantum dots Rudner, M. S., Levitov, L. S., - DOI
  30. Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime Kou, A., McClure, D. T., Marcus, C. M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  31. Nonlinear resonance of superconductor/normal metal structures to microwaves K, elaki, E., Volkov, A. F. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  32. Asymmetric Dark Matter and the Sun Fr, sen, M. T., Sarkar, S. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  33. On Higgs inflation and naturalness Burgess, C. P., Lee, H. M., Trott, M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  34. Solitary waves in mixtures of Bose gases confined in annular traps Smyrnakis, J., Magiropoulos, M., Kavoulakis, G. M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  35. Publisher's Note: Electronic structure of turbostratic graphene [Phys. Rev. B 81, 165105 (2010)] Shallcross, S., Sharma, S., K et al. - DOI
  36. Exchange Control of Nuclear Spin Diffusion in a Double Quantum Dot Reilly, D. J., Taylor, J. M., Petta, J. R. et al. - DOI
  37. CMB data constraint on self-annihilation of dark matter particles Kim, J., Naselsky, P., - DOI - ArXiv
  38. Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Double Quantum Dots Gullans, M., Krich, J. J., Taylor, J. M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  39. A mean-field approach to the propagation of field patterns in stratified magnetorotational turbulence Gressel, O., - DOI - ArXiv
  40. High p $_{ T }$ production of boverline b at LHC and new SU(3)$_{c}$ bosons Fornal, B., Trott, M., - DOI - ArXiv
  41. On the Spectral Dimension of Causal Triangulations Durhuus, B., Jonsson, T., Wheater, J. F. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  42. The Scattering Problem for a Noncommutative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Durhuus, B., Gayral, V., - DOI - ArXiv
  43. Highly Entangled States with Almost No Secrecy Christ, l, M., Schuch, N. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  44. Anomalous Parity Asymmetry of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Power Spectrum Data at Low Multipoles Kim, J., Naselsky, P., - DOI - ArXiv
  45. Non-Gaussianity from violation of slow-roll in multiple inflation Hotchkiss, S., Sarkar, S., - DOI - ArXiv
  46. Bends in nanotubes allow electric spin control and coupling Flensberg, K., Marcus, C. M., - DOI - ArXiv
  47. Neutrino mass hierarchy and three-flavor spectral splits of supernova neutrinos Dasgupta, B., Mirizzi, A., Tamborra, I. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  48. Universal Properties of Dark Matter Halos Boyarsky, A., Neronov, A., Ruchayskiy, O. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  49. Gravitino interactions from Yang-Mills theory Bjerrum-Bohr, N. E. J., Engelund, O. T., - DOI - ArXiv
  50. Electronic structure of turbostratic graphene Shallcross, S., Sharma, S., K et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  51. Understanding the WMAP Cold Spot mystery Naselsky, P. D., Christensen, P. R., Coles, P. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  52. A Grid job monitoring system Dumitrescu, C., Nowack, A., Padhi, S. et al. - DOI
  53. Triggering collective oscillations by three-flavor effects Dasgupta, B., Raffelt, G. G., Tamborra, I. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  54. Fast sensing of double-dot charge arrangement and spin state with a radio-frequency sensor quantum dot Barthel, C., Kjærgaard, M., Medford, J. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  55. Spin relaxation due to deflection coupling in nanotube quantum dots Rudner, M. S., Rashba, E. I., - DOI - ArXiv
  56. Clock shifts in a Fermi gas interacting with a minority component: A soluble model Bruun, G. M., Pethick, C. J., Yu, Z. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  57. Monodromy and Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relations for Gravity Amplitudes Bjerrum-Bohr, N. E. J., Vanhove, P., - ArXiv
  58. Ground State Energy of Large Atoms in a Self-Generated Magnetic Field Erdős, L., Solovej, J. P., - DOI - ArXiv
  59. Towards a holographic model of color-flavor locking phase Chen, H.-Y., Hashimoto, K., Matsuura, S. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  60. Anomaly driven signatures of extra U(1)'s Antoniadis, I., Boyarsky, A., Ruchayskiy, O. et al. - DOI
  61. Clock Shifts of Optical Transitions in Ultracold Atomic Gases Yu, Z., Pethick, C. J., - DOI - ArXiv
  62. Neutrino and antineutrino spectral splits from collective effects in supernovae Tamborra, I., - DOI
  63. Superfluid Dynamics in Neutron Star Crusts Pethick, C. J., Chamel, N., Reddy, S. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  64. Radiation from Relativistic Shocks with Turbulent Magnetic Fields Nishikawa, K.-I., Nimiec, J., Medvedev, M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  65. Aage Niels Bohr Mottelson, B., Ulfbeck, O., - DOI
  66. A MultScale Gibbs-Helmholtz Constrained Cubic Equation of State Lucia, A., - DOI
  67. Constraints on large-scale inhomogeneities from WMAP5 and SDSS: confrontation with recent observations Hunt, P., Sarkar, S., - DOI - ArXiv
  68. MHD turbulence in accretion disks: the importance of the magnetic Prandtl number Fromang, S., Papaloizou, J., Lesur, G. et al. - DOI
  69. Scaling relation for determining the critical threshold for continuum percolation of overlapping discs of two sizes Balram, A. C., Dhar, D., - DOI - ArXiv
  70. Scalar representations and minimal flavor violation Arnold, J. M., Pospelov, M., Trott, M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  71. Anomaly driven signatures of new invisible physics at the Large Hadron Collider Antoniadis, I., Boyarsky, A., Espahbodi, S. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  72. Wilson Fermions, Random Matrix Theory and the Aoki Phase Akemann, G., Damgaard, P., Splittorff, K. et al. - ArXiv
  73. Origin of the hot gas in low-mass protostars: Herschel-PACS spectroscopy of HH 46 van Kempen, T. A. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  74. Kinematic dynamo in spherical Couette flow Wei, Xing, Jackson, Andrew, Hollerbach, Rainer et al. - ArXiv
  75. Local analysis of the magnetic instability in rotating magneto-hydrodynamics with the short-wavelength approximation Wei, Xing, Hollerbach, Rainer, Jackson, Andrew et al. - ArXiv
  76. Angular Momentum Transport in Protoplanetary and Black-Hole Accretion Disks: The Role of Parasitic Modes in the Saturation of MHD Turbulence Pessah, Martin E., - DOI - ArXiv
  77. Review of particle physics Nakamura, K. et al., - DOI
  78. Cosmic ray backgrounds for dark matter indirect detection Mertsch, Philipp, - ArXiv
  79. Beautiful Mirrors at the LHC Kumar, Kunal, Shepherd, William, Tait, Tim M. P. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  80. Methanol maps of low-mass protostellar systems: the Serpens Molecular Core Kristensen, L. E., van Dishoeck, E. F., van Kempen, T. A. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  81. Water in low-mass star-forming regions with Herschel: HIFI spectroscopy of NGC1333 Kristensen, L. E. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  82. Supernova-driven Turbulence and Magnetic Field Amplification in Disk Galaxies Gressel, Oliver, - ArXiv
  83. Constraints on Dark Matter from Colliders Goodman, Jessica, Ibe, Masahiro, Rajaraman, Arvind et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  84. Light asymmetric dark matter Fr, sen, Mads T., Sarkar, Subir et al. - DOI
  85. The Scattering problem for a noncommutative nonlinear Schrodinger equation Durhuus, Bergfinnur, Gayral, Victor, - DOI - ArXiv
  86. Sustained Magnetorotational Turbulence in Local Simulations of Stratified Disks with Zero Net Magnetic Flux Davis, S. W., Stone, J. M., Pessah, M. E. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  87. Microscopic Spectrum of the Wilson Dirac Operator Damgaard, P. H., Splittorff, K., Verbaarschot, J. J. M. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  88. Deformations of Lifshitz holography Cheng, Mir, a C. N., Hartnoll, Sean A. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  89. Three Dimensional Origin of AdS_2 Quantum Gravity Castro, Alej, ra, Keeler, Cynthia et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  90. LIME - a flexible, non-LTE line excitation and radiation transfer method for millimeter and far-infrared wavelengths Brinch, C., Hogerheijde, M. R., - DOI - ArXiv
  91. Efficient Tree-Amplitudes in N=4: Automatic BCFW Recursion in Mathematica Bourjaily, Jacob L., - ArXiv
  92. Monodromy and Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relations for Gravity Amplitudes Bjerrum-Bohr, N. E. J., Vanhove, Pierre, - DOI - ArXiv
  93. Proof of Gravity and Yang-Mills Amplitude Relations Bjerrum-Bohr, N. E. J., Damgaard, Poul H., Feng, Bo et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  94. New Identities among Gauge Theory Amplitudes Bjerrum-Bohr, N. E. J., Damgaard, Poul H., Feng, Bo et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  95. Gravity and Yang-Mills Amplitude Relations Bjerrum-Bohr, N. E. J., Damgaard, Poul H., Feng, Bo et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  96. Monodromy and Jacobi-like Relations for Color-Ordered Amplitudes Bjerrum-Bohr, N. E. J., Damgaard, Poul H., Sondergaard, Thomas et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  97. Sensitive limits on the abundance of cold water vapor in the DM Tau protoplanetary disk Bergin, E. A. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  98. Wilson Fermions, Random Matrix Theory and the Aoki Phase Akemann, Gernot, Damgaard, Poul H., Splittorff, Kim et al. - ArXiv
  99. Effects of dynamical quarks on the spectrum of the Wilson Dirac operator Akemann, Gernot, Damgaard, Poul H., Splittorff, Kim et al. - ArXiv
  100. GZK Neutrinos after the Fermi-LAT Diffuse Photon Flux Measurement Ahlers, M., Anchordoqui, L. A., Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. et al. - DOI - ArXiv
  101. Search for sterile neutrino mixing in the MINOS long baseline experiment Adamson, P. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  102. Neutrino and Antineutrino Inclusive Charged-current Cross Section Measurements with the MINOS Near Detector Adamson, P. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  103. Observation of muon intensity variations by season with the MINOS far detector Adamson, P. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  104. Update on the correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic matter Abreu, P. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  105. Trigger and aperture of the surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory Abraham, J. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  106. Measurement of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays above $10^{18}$ eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory Abraham, J. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  107. Measurement of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers above $10^{18}$ eV Abraham, J. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  108. A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurements at the Pierre Auger Observatory Abraham, J. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  109. The Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory Abraham, J. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  110. Search for a Lorentz-violating sidereal signal with atmospheric neutrinos in IceCube Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  111. The first search for extremely-high energy cosmogenic neutrinos with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  112. Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with the AMANDA-II neutrino telescope Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI
  113. Measurement of the Anisotropy of Cosmic Ray Arrival Directions with IceCube Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  114. The Energy Spectrum of Atmospheric Neutrinos between 2 and 200 TeV with the AMANDA-II Detector Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  115. IceCube Collaboration Contributions to the 2009 International Cosmic Ray Conference Abbasi, R. et al., - ArXiv
  116. Calibration and Characterization of the IceCube Photomultiplier Tube Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  117. Limits on a muon flux from Kaluza-Klein dark matter annihilations in the Sun from the IceCube 22-string detector Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  118. Measurement of sound speed vs. depth in South Pole ice for neutrino astronomy Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  119. Search for muon neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts with the IceCube neutrino telescope Abbasi, R. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  120. IceCube Collaboration Contributions to the 2009 International Cosmic Ray Conference Abbasi, R. et al., - ArXiv
  121. Search for New Particles in Two-Jet Final States in 7 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  122. Readiness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for LHC collisions Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  123. Commissioning of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer with Cosmic Rays Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  124. Performance of the ATLAS Detector using First Collision Data Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  125. The ATLAS Simulation Infrastructure Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  126. The ATLAS Inner Detector commissioning and calibration Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  127. Charged-particle multiplicities in $pp$ interactions at $\sqrt{s}=900$ GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  128. Drift Time Measurement in the ATLAS Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Calorimeter using Cosmic Muons Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  129. Readiness of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter for LHC Collisions Aad, G. et al., - DOI - ArXiv
  130. Induced Interactions and the Superfluid Transition Temperature in a Three-Component Fermi Gas Martikainen, J.-P., Kinnunen, J. J., Törmä, P. et al. - DOI - ArXiv