18 August 2017

Jacob Bourjaily receives ERC Starting Grant

NBIA Assistant Professor Jacob Bourjaily has been awarded a prestigious Starting Grant of 1.5 MEuros from the European Research Council of the EU. Jacob Bourjaily, who has already established his own research group based on a Villum Young Investigator Grant, will use the new grant to vastly expand his program of the computation of scattering amplitudes to very high order in perturbation theory based on novel methods with deep connections to new developments in mathematics. The new grant will in particular allow Jacob Bourjaily and his enlarged group to expand massively in the numerical direction. Here numerical evaluations go hand in hand with analytical developments, leading eventually to the evaluation of scattering amplitudes at staggeringly high orders that computations based on conventional techniques are simply impossible. Jacob Bourjaily will start the hiring of new post-docs with this program in the fall of 2018.