About NBIA
Mission: The Niels Bohr International Academy (NBIA) is an independent center of excellence hosted by the Niels Bohr Institute. Our mission is to attract the best and the brightest to Denmark and provide the environment to enable breakthrough research in the physical sciences and mathematics, such as astroparticle physics, biophysics, condensed matter, quantum devices, particle physics, cosmology, and theoretical astrophysics.
Members: The NBIA staff includes several professors, some of which hold prestigious positions as Villum Kann Rasmussen and Niels Bohr Professorships. A significant number of NBIA Assistant Professors and Associate Professors have started new research groups in their disciplines by attracting prestigious national and European grants. The NBIA hosts a large number of post-docs, PhD-students, and M.Sc-students. Typically one Visiting Professor is present at the NBIA at any given time, and we have a steady stream of international visitors who are invited to give seminars or collaborate with NBIA members.
Research: Exciting research within Astroparticle Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter and Quantum Devices, Neutrino Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology as well as Theoretical Astrophysics is carried out at the Academy.
You can read more about it on our page dedicated to research at the NBIA or visit the webpages for the individual groups above.
Activities: The NBIA hosts around ten workshops, symposia and PhD-schools every year. We also reach out to the public with a number of activities, including an annual series of public lectures in collaboration with the Danish Open University (Folkeuniversitetet).