Quantum Gravity Seminar: Niels Obers
Speaker:Niels Obers (NBIA)
Spacetime coordinates: Wed @ 14:30, Auditorium A
Zoom Link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/9295289933?omn=67282578176
Title: Quantum Gravity at the Edges of Relativity
Abstract: The quest for a consistent theory of quantum gravity is one of the most important challenges in theoretical physics. In the landscape of physical theories, quantum gravity resides at the corner where all fundamental constants, Newton's constant, the speed of light, and Planck's constant are finite. Recently, it has become clear that there is rich physics at the edges of relativity, considering respectively the large (non-relativistic) and small (ultra-local or Carrollian) limits of the speed of light. These limits naturally lead to non-Lorentzian geometries, known as Newton-Cartan and Carrollian geometry, revealing a much richer structure of gravity than previously appreciated. I will first introduce the physics and geometric formulation of these limits in the context of gravity, establishing their foundation. Then I will briefly discuss their role in string theory and holography, highlighting recent advances. Finally, I will comment on how this framework can provide a generic coupling prescription of quantum systems to gravity, valid in the intermediate regime between Newtonian gravity and General relativity, while retaining the focus on geometry