Quantum Gravity Seminar: Vania Vellucci
Speaker: Vania Vellucci (SDU)
Spacetime coordinates: Wed @ 14:30, Auditorium A
Zoom Link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/9295289933?omn=67282578176
Title: Probing the regularization of spacetime singularities
Abstract: Spacetime singularities, as the one expected at the centre of a black hole, are usually considered the proof of the intrinsic incompleteness of General Relativity (GR). We can expect that their formation will be prevented in a quantum completion of GR. In this view, it is reasonable to assume that “regularized" metrics can provide an effective description of the outcome of gravitational collapse in quantum gravity. We have then two possible regular alternatives to describe the ultracompact objects that we saw in our universe: regular black holes and horizonless compact objects. I will talk about the possible structures of these black hole mimickers and the gravitational waves signal that we expect from their coalescence. In particular I will focus on their ringdown and echoes signal and on the possible detectability of deviations from the standard GR waveform.