Colloquia 2024
23.02.2024: João Manuel Mendonça (Technical University of Denmark) - Building the First Universal Climate Model
01.03.2024: Sune Lehmann (DTU) - Using Sequences of Life-Events To Predict Human Lives
15.03.2024: Roman Gold (University of Southern Denmark) - News from the Event Horizon Telescope
12.04.2024: Jeppe Dyre (Roskilde University) - Physical Aging of Glasses: The Exciting Physics of Boring Data
03.05.2024: Giuseppe Mussardo (SISSA, Trieste) - Random Walks, Bethe Ansatz and Riemann’s Zeros
07.06.2024: Amri Wandel (Hebrew University) - Extending the Horizons for Searching Life in Space: Beyond the Limits of the Habitable Zone
21.06.2024: Søren Hauberg (Technical University of Denmark) - Invariance in generative Artificial Intelligence
28.06.2024: Rashid Sunyaev (Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics and Russian Academy of Sciences) - The map of the entire Sky in X-rays and its variability over time
19.07.2024: Charles H. Bennet (IBM Research) - Using algorithmic information to evade the hard problem of consciousness in cosmology and ethics
07.08.2024: Ehud Meron (Ben Gurion University) - To be or not to be: The crucial roles vegetation patterns play in maintaining ecosystem health
30.08.2024: Uri Alon (Weizmann Institute) - Mathematical Essence of Ageing
27.09.2024: Thomas Sinkjær (Aalborg University) - Peering the Peer review System
09.10.2024: Drummond Fielding (Flatiron Institute) - Niels Bohr Lecture: Bridging the Divide: A Multi-Scale Approach to Galaxy Formation
15.10.2024: Howard Stone (Princeton University) - Special Niels Bohr Lecture: Soft materials, from biofluid mechanics to molecular biology
25.10.2024: Klaus Mølmer (Niels Bohr Institute) - Quantum Foundations, Quantum Technologies, and the “Stuck-In-the-Elevator Talk”
1.11.2024: Jose Maria Ezquiaga (Niels Bohr Institute) - Junior Colloquia: Exploring the uncharted Universe with Gravitational Waves
13.11.2024: Klaus Pontoppidan (Space Telescope Science Institute): The origins of habitable worlds and the case for infrared telescopes in space
15.11.2024: James Cline (McGill University): What is Dark Matter?
29.11.2024: Johannes Jakob Lohmann (NBI) - Junior Colloquia: Predictability and early-warning of climate tipping points