Quantum Gravity Seminar: Francesco Del Porro
Speaker: Francesco Del Porro (Niels Bohr Institute)
Title: Formal and phenomenological aspects of Hořava gravity
Abstract: In the search for a consistent and (perturbatively) renormalizable quantum gravity theory, Hořava Gravity (HG) stands as a proposal that abandons local Lorentz invariance in order to gain power-
counting renormalizability. At the perturbative level, it has been shown that a simplified version of HG - the so-called ”projectable” version - is actually renormalizable and asymptotically free. However, when analyzing its complete version, the presence of Lorentz violations reflects drastically both on the UV properties of the theory and in its phenomenological aspects.
In this talk, I will present how the absence of Lorentz symmetry affects the question of perturbative-renormalizability on one side, but also how dropping this constraint leads to modifications of the low energy physics, such as black holes and their radiative properties.
Zoom Link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/9295289933?omn=67282578176