Workshops and PhD Schools 2015
Fifth Annual NBIA School on ESS Science (November 9-13)
Solar Storm Early Forecasting (November 9-11)
PhD School on Holography: Entangled, Applied, and Generalized (October 26-30)
IceCube Collaboration Meeting 2015 (October 10-17)
Current Themes in High Energy Physics and Cosmology (August 17–21)
NBIA Summer School on Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation (August 3-7)
MHJ60: Excursions in Complexity (June 4-5)
Master Class on Quantum Mathematics (May 26-29)
International Symposium on High Energy Physics (May 4-6)
NBIA-Oxford Colloquium (April 13–15)
Measuring B-mode Polarization from Greenland (Febuary 2–4)
Nordic Winter School on Cosmology and Particle Physics 2015 (January 2-7)
Workshops and PhD Schools 2014
Fourth Annual NBIA Workshop on ESS Science (Nov. 10-14)
The Early Life of Stellar Clusters: Formation and Dynamics (Nov. 3-7)
Current Themes in High Energy Physics and Cosmology (Aug. 25-29)
Joint APCTP-NBIA Workshop on Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (Aug. 18-23)
3rd ICM Theory and Computation Workshop (Aug. 11-14)
Non-Ideal MHD, Stability and Dissipation in Protoplanetary Disks (Aug. 4-8)
Neutrinos underground & in the heavens, Elite PhD-course (June 23-27)
Facing Strong Dynamics (June 2-6)
Nordic Conference on Particle Physics (January 2-7)
Workshops and PhD Schools 2013
Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence? Elite PhD-course (October 28-Nov 1)
Joint APCTP-NBIA Workshop on Cosmology and Astroparticl (October 21-25)
Short Course on Particle Transport in Turbulent Flow (September 23-27)
NBIA Summer School on Computational Astrophysics (August 19-23)
Copenhagen-Asia-America Network for Dark Cosmology kick-off meeting (Aug. 12-16)
Current Themes in High Energy Physics and Cosmology (August 12-16)
Third Annual NBIA meeting on ESS science (June 21-25)
Nordic Winter School on Cosmology and Particle Physics 2013 (January 2–7)
Workshops and PhD Schools 2012
Black holes and applied holography, Elite PhD-course (Nov. 12-16)
Baryogenesis and Quantum Field Dynamics (Aug. 28-30)
9th International Cambridge Workshop on Magnetic Recomnnection (Aug. 27-31)
Applications of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering in Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Aug. 13-31)
Second Annual NBIA meeting on ESS science (June 25-29)
Meeting on Geometry (June 11-17)
Standard Model @ LHC 2012 (April 10-13)
Nordic String Theory Meeting (February 20-21)
Nordic Conference on Particle Physics (January 2-7)
Workshops and PhD Schools 2011
Advanced Methods in Statistical Data Analysis, Elite PhD-course (Nov. 14-18)
Heavy-ion Experiments Confront Theory (Nov. 7-9)
Physics and Physiology of Phloem Transport (October 10-12)
Particle Physics Phenomenology, Elite PhD-course (October 3-7)
Exotic Superconductors, Elite PhD-course (September 26-30)
Current and Future Challenges of the Dark and Early Universes (August 8-12)
First Annual NBIA Meeting on ESS Science (June 26 - July 1)
Cosmology and astro-particle physics: from the LHC to PLANCK (June 7-9)
Nordic Network Meeting on Strings, Fields and Branes (March 24–26)
Nordic Winter School on Cosmology and Particle Physics 2011 (January 2–7)
Workshops and PhD Schools 2010
Advanced Simulation Techniques in Particle Physics and Cosmology Elite PhD course (November 15–19)
Physics and Mathematics of Random Matrix Theory (October 13–15)
International Symposium on Cold Atoms and Condensed Matter (October 4–9)
From particles to strings and vice versa, Elite PhD Course (September 26–30)
Confronting theory with observations—a UniverseNet cosmology workshop (August 16–20)
Cosmology and astroparticle physics from the LHC to PLANCK (June 2–4)
Monte Carlo tools for Beyond the Standard Model Physics (April 14–16)
Pic Code Comparison Workshop (March 8–12)
Mini-Workshop on Molecular Spintronics (January 14–15)
Workshops and PhD Schools 2009
Advanced Methods in Statistical Data Analysis Elite PhD course (October 19–23)
New Horizons in Gravity Elite PhD course (September 28–October 2)
Self-assembled molecular electronic nanosystems: From basic science to novel applications (September 6–7)
Hidden structures in Field Theory Amplitudes (August 12–14)
Current Problems in Extragalactic Dust (June 29 - July 3)
Cosmology and astroparticle physics from the LHC to PLANCK (June 8–9)
Strings, Fields and Branes (April 16–18)
Particle Physics and Cosmology: From the Smallest Scales to the Largest (April 2–3)
Coherent Quantum Gases — From Cold Atoms to Condensed Matter (January 15–16)
Workshops 2008
Lattice Supersymmetry and Beyond (November 24–28)
New Structures in Field Theory Amplitudes (September 10–12)
First Workshop on Satellite Imaging of the Arctic (August 20–21)
Nonlinear Electron Transport in Nano-Junctions (July 7–11)
The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context, Bengt Strømgren Centenary meeting (June 9–13)
The PLANCK window in Cosmology (June 2–3)
Econophysics: Trends and Challenges (May 8–9)
Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity (April 7–17)
Field Theory and Cosmology (March 25–28)
Workshops 2007
Computational Philosophy: Lessons from Simple Models (October 11–13).
Solid State Quantum Information Systems (June 25–July 6)
Random Matrix Theory: Recent Applications (May 7–16).