Hjalte Frellesvig receives Carlsberg Foundation Reintegration Fellowship
After completing his PhD-program at the Niels Bohr International Academy in 2014, Hjalte Frellesvig has enjoyed an international post-doctoral career with Early Stage Researcher Fellowships from the EU enabling him to work with leading theoretical particle physicists in Rome and Athens and with the theoretical particle physics group at the University of Karlsruhe. In 2017 Hjalte was awarded an individual Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship from the EU which he chose to spend with theoretical particle physics group at the University of Padova.
Hjalte now returns to Denmark, supported by a Reintegration Fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation. His project is entitled "Feynman integrals and their mathematical structure” and it concerns brand-new developments in the theory of scattering amplitudes which Hjalte has been developing in the last few years. It exploits a novel approach to amplitude computations based on a connection to the mathematical theory of multivariate intersection numbers. Promising to vastly simply calculations, Hjalte aims to eventually establish himself with his own research group on this and related topics. Hjalte is also one of the recipients of this year's INTERACTIONS Fellowships from NBIA's EU COFUND program.