27 January 2025

New Assistant Professor Ziqi Yan receives Villum Young Investigator Grant

New Assistant Professor Ziqi Yan will join NBIA this coming fall with a Villum Young Investigator grant titled “Emergent Universe from Matrix Quantum Mechanics.” 


Ziqi Yan is currently a senior researcher at Nordita in Sweden. Prior to this, he held positions as a Nordita Fellow and later as a Marie Curie Individual Fellow at Nordita. Before moving to Sweden, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at Perimeter Institute in Canada. Ziqi Yan received his PhD in Physics from the University of California at Berkeley, USA, in 2017. 


Ziqi Yan’s research lies at the interface of string theory, quantum field theory, and condensed matter theory. His current research focuses on different approaches to M-theory and their implications for holography and cosmology. He is exploring a novel non-Lorentzian geometrical perspective that provides new insights into some of these approaches. With his grant from the Villum Foundation, he will establish a junior research group with a postdoc and a PhD student. 
