19 December 2024

Pablo Martínez Miravé is awarded prize for his PhD-thesis

The Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (RADE) awards yearly prizes to doctoral theses which excel for their scientific achievements and innovative character.

Pablo Martínez-Miravé has received this 2023-2024 PhD award in the category of Experimental and Technological Sciences for his thesis on the study of neutrino properties. The award ceremony will be hosted in early 2025 in Madrid. Pablo defended his PhD thesis in September 2023 at the Instituto de Física Corpuscular (Universtitat de Valencia – CSIC), under the supervision of Mariam Tórtola.

During his PhD, Pablo explored the complementarity of terrestrial neutrino experiments and cosmological observations to underpin neutrino properties. His work also identified observational signatures of Beyond the Standard Model Physics linked to the neutrino sector. Pablo is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Particle Astrophysics (AstroNu) group at Niels Bohr Institute. His current research focuses on investigating the neutrino emission from core-collapse supernovae, neutron star mergers, and other transient stellar objects.
