Normally, your hotel stay will be arranged by us. Please contact the NBIA seceretary if you have any questions.
In case your hotel is not being paid by us, the following list contains a few of the hotels that we can recommend. The prices should not be taken too literally and can sometimes vary considerably, depending upon the date.
- WakeUp Copenhagen, Borgergade (**), 772+ kr, Borgergade 9, +45 44 80 00 90
- Carlton 66 Guldsmeden (**), 912 kr, Vesterbrogade 66, +45 33 22 15 00
- Hotel 9 Små Hjem (**), 995 kr, Classensgade 38, +45 35 43 17 84
- Babette Guldsmeden (***), 1150 kr, Bredgade 78, +45 33 14 15 00
- Ibsens Hotel (***), 1,100+ kr, Vendersgade 23, +45 33 95 77 44
- Hotel Kong Arthur (****), 1,200 kr, Nørre Søgade 11, +45 33 95 77 77
The prices given above are for a single room and they express a rough estimate of the actual cost, so please always confirm with the respective hotels. We are neither responsible for any changes in the prices nor affiliated with any of the hotels.