Michael Schecter
Postdoctoral Fellow, Condensed Matter
NBI personal page
+45 91 41 95 48
Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen
Building C, room Ck3
Michael Schecter is a postdoc at the Center for Quantum Devices and Niels Bohr International Academy. Mike is originally from Michigan (U.S.), having completed a B.Sc. at the Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI) and a Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN).
Mike arrived at QDev/NBIA in the Fall of 2014 in the theoretical condensed matter group.
Currently, Mike's research involves understanding the low-temperature magnetic structure of atoms placed on a metallic or superconducting substrate. The intriguing interplay between the magnetic and electronic properties of such systems may lead to important applications in future quantum information processing techniques or spintronic devices.