Jacob Bourjaily receives Lars Kann-Rasmussen Prize 2025
2025.02.27 -
Paper selected for Physical Review Letters Collection of the Year 2024
2025.02.19 -
Julia Yeomans and Charles Marcus join NBIA's Scientific Advisory Board
2025.01.31 -
New Assistant Professor Ziqi Yan receives Villum Young Investigator Grant
2025.01.27 -
Amin Doostmohammadi receives Carlsberg Foundation Infrastructure Grant
2025.01.16 -
Benny Lautrup In Memoriam
2025.01.09 -
Weria Pezeshkian receives 2024 Frank Blaney Award
2025.01.07 -
Pablo Martínez Miravé is awarded prize for his PhD-thesis
2024.12.19 -
Maarten van de Meent awarded ERC Synergy grant
2024.11.06 -
Vitor Cardoso appointed Center Leader of new Center of Excellence
2024.10.02 -
Martin Cramer Pedersen receives Villum Experiment Grant
2024.10.01 -
Black holes are coming to Copenhagen in August 2024
2024.08.23 -
Matthias Wilhelm receives Sapere Aude grant from Denmark's Independent Research Fund
2024.08.22 -
Tetyana Pitik awarded for the best PhD thesis in Danish astronomy 2024
2024.06.21 -
Three Individual EU MSCA Fellowships to NBIA
2024.05.03 -
Weria Pezeshkian publishes in Nature Communications
2024.04.12 -
Irene Tamborra receives Elite Research Award
2024.03.15 -
Simon Caron-Huot receives Lars Kann-Rasmussen Prize
2024.03.05 -
Alessia Platania and Apoorv Tiwari receive Villum Young Investigator grants
2024.02.25 -
Helle Kiilerich (1943-2024)
2024.02.16 -
NBIA signs Memorandum of Understanding with APCTP in Korea
2024.02.09 -
Assistant Professor Jose Ezquiaga brings NBIA into the LIGO Collaboration
2024.01.05 -
Annika Rudolph receives PhD-thesis prize from German Astronomical Society
2023.09.08 -
Martin Pessah receives grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark
2023.07.24 -
Irene Tamborra is new Chair of NBIA's Science Advisory Board
2023.06.07 -
Arts and Science Residency with the Strong Group, Niels Bohr Institute
2023.05.01 -
Five Individual EU MSCA Fellowships to NBIA
2023.03.08 -
Irene Tamborra receives ERC Consolidator Grant from the EU
2023.02.08 -
Jose María Ezquiaga is awarded Villum Young Investigator Grant
2023.01.25 -
Weria Pezeshkian receives Project Grant from Novo Nordisk Foundation
2023.01.18 -
Amin Doostmohammadi publishes in Nature Communications
2023.01.11 -
Weria Pezeshkian receives Sapere Aude Grant
2022.11.30 -
Karel Proesmans receives EU Marie Curie Fellowship
2022.11.28 -
Johan Samsing receives the Lars Kann-Rasmussen Prize 2022
2022.10.31 -
Amin Doostmohammadi has received the “2021 Major Advances in Biology Prize” from the French Academy of Sciences
2022.09.26 -
Three individual EU Marie Curie Fellowships to NBIA in 2022
2022.09.15 -
Ben Mottelson 1926-2022
2022.06.03 -
Johan Samsing receives ERC Starting Grant
2022.03.22 -
Vitor Cardoso receives DNRF Chair from the Danish National Research Foundation
2022.03.21 -
Amin Doostmohammadi receives IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Biological Physics
2022.03.14 -
Johan Samsing and NBIA Gravity Group publishes in Nature
2022.03.11 -
Daniel D'Orazio receives Sapere Aude grant from Denmark's Independent Research Fund
2022.02.22 -
Berislav Buca joins NBIA with Villum Young Investigator Grant
2022.01.31 -
ERC Starting Grant to Amin Doosmohammadi
2022.01.25 -
Karel Proesmanns Receives Project Grant from Novo Nordisk Foundation
2022.01.20 -
Amin Doostmohammadi receives Lars Kann-Rasmussen Prize
2022.01.12 -
Ersilia Guarini wins Milla Baldo Ceolin Prize 2021
2021.07.21 -
Amin Doostmohammadi is awarded NERD Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation
2021.06.21 -
Jim Talbert receives EU Marie Curie Fellowship
2021.05.10 -
Emil Bjerrum-Bohr Receives Grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark
2021.05.07 -
Vitor Cardoso receives Villum Investigator Grant from the Villum Foundation
2021.04.14 -
Daniel D’Orazio receives Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
2021.03.31 -
Irene Tamborra Receives grant from Villum Foundation
2021.01.25 -
Biophysics: Amin Doostmohammadi publishes in Nature Physics
2020.12.18 -
Igor Novikov has been awarded the John Archibald Wheeler Prize 2020
2020.12.16 -
Mathias Luidor Heltberg receives Carlsberg Foundation Reintegration Fellowship
2020.12.14 -
Paul J. Steinhardt is awarded the Niels Bohr Institute Medal of Honor
2020.12.01 -
Poul Henrik Damgaard receives grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark
2020.11.24 -
Tobias Heinemann Receives Villum Experiment Grant
2020.11.02 -
Irene Tamborra wins KIF Prize 2020
2020.10.09 -
Charles Marcus receives the Ørsted Gold Medal
2020.09.30 -
Carlsberg Foundation Research Infrastructure Grant to the Theoretical Astrophysics Group
2020.09.24 -
Hjalte Frellesvig receives Carlsberg Foundation Reintegration Fellowship
2020.08.05 -
Four EU Marie Curie Individual fellowships to the NBIA in 2020
2020.04.15 -
Amin Doostmohammadi publishes in Nature Physics
2020.04.05 -
Three young NBIA researchers receive Villum Young Investigator Grants
2020.03.03 -
Carlsberg Foundation Young researcher Fellowship to Jason Koskinen
2019.12.03 -
NBIA launches EU COFUND program
2019.10.11 -
Charles Bennett awarded this year's Micius Quantum Prize
2019.09.06 -
Irene Tamborra receives the 2019 Shakti P. Duggal Award
2019.07.29 -
Johan Samsing receives EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
2019.07.23 -
Irene Tamborra receives 2019 MERAC Prize
2019.05.14 -
Villum Young Investigator Grant for Michele Burrello
2019.05.14 -
Matthias Wilhelm is awarded a Villum Young Investigator Grant
2019.05.14 -
Irene Tamborra is awarded Sapere Aude Starting Grant
2019.01.21 -
Andrew McLeod becomes Carlsberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
2018.11.29 -
Irene Tamborra receives Distinguished Associate Professor Fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation
2018.11.28 -
George Mamatsashvili receives EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
2018.10.23 -
NBIA researchers publish the answer to a century-old cosmic mystery in Science
2018.07.13 -
Martin Pessah receives grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark
2018.05.14 -
Charles Bennett is awarded Wolf Prize
2018.04.10 -
Paper in Nature Physics: Recreating a comet in the lab
2018.03.19 -
NBIA-researchers receive EU grant
2018.03.15 -
Matt von Hippel receives EU Marie Curie Fellowship
2018.03.05 -
Markus Ahlers receives Villum Young Investigator Grant
2018.01.26 -
Buchalter Cosmology Prize to Subodh Patil
2018.01.11 -
Carlsberg Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship to M. Rameez
2017.11.30 -
Michael Trott receives project grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark
2017.11.27 -
NBIA-researchers publish in Nature
2017.11.24 -
Jacob Bourjaily receives ERC Starting Grant
2017.08.18 -
Simons Visiting Professor Itamar Procaccia wins EPS Prize
2017.08.01 -
Simon Caron-Huot receives the Gribov Medal
2017.07.06 -
Niels Bohr Professor Subir Sarkar receives the Homi Bhabha Medal and Prize 2017
2017.04.10 -
Barry Simon is new member of NBIA's Scientific Advisory Board
2017.02.16 -
Pablo Benitez-Llambay receives Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
2017.02.14 -
NBIA Assistant Professor Jacob Bourjaily has been awarded a prestigious Young Investigator Grant from the Villum Foundation
2017.01.23 -
Emil Bjerrum-Bohr is recipient of Distinguished Associate Professor Fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation
2016.12.13 -
David McGady receives Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation
2016.11.29 -
Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek delivers this year's Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture
2016.11.25 -
NBIA post-doc Pablo Benítez-Llambay receives Carlos M. Varsavsky Award
2016.10.25 -
Jeppe Trøst Nielsen, Alberto Guffanti and Subir Sarkar question whether the expansion of the universe is really accelerating
2016.10.22 -
Christian Brinch and Oliver Gressel discover an intriguing binary proto-stellar system
2016.10.13 -
Mohamed Rameez wins the 2016 CHIPP prize
2016.08.24 -
Supersymmetry bet settled at NBIA workshop
2016.08.24 -
Ben Brown publishes in Nature Communications
2016.08.01 -
Stephen Hawking visits the NBIA and gives public lecture
2016.07.11 -
Jacob Bourjaily publishes monograph with Cambridge University Press
2016.06.08 -
Irene Tamborra and Jason Koskinen receive Villum Young Investigator Grants
2016.01.28 -
The Simons Foundation supports the NBIA
2015.12.18 -
Irene Tamborra is new Knud Højgaard Assistant Professor at the NBIA
2015.11.11 -
Mark Rudner receives ERC Starting Grant
2015.10.07 -
Oliver Gressel receives Johann Wempe award by the Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik
2015.09.17 -
Chris Pethick awarded Feenberg Medal
2015.08.17 -
The NBIA establishes a Director's Council
2015.06.01 -
Guido Festuccia receives ERC Starting Grant
2015.04.06 -
Michael Trott receives Villum Young Investigator Grant
2015.03.02 -
Emil Bjerrum-Bohr's recent paper is "Editors' Suggestion" at Physics Review Letters
2015.02.18 -
Outreach award to Jacob Bourjaily